Thursday, January 16, 2020

The Destruction of The Amazon Rainforest and Guajajara Tribe 

Assuming that you already are aware of the Amazon Rainforest and that it is on fire, well did you also know it is being destroyed by illegal loggers and farmers not only harming the rainforest but also harming the Guajajara tribe? Or that Brazil’s very own President, Jair Bolsonaro could be illustrating certain crimes of destruction? In case you were not aware, let me fill you in.  

Government Denial 
The President of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro previously stated: “ Brazil is one of the best countries in the world at protecting its own environment and fires are not destroying the Amazon Rainforest ”. Considering this statement, Bolsonaro played down the rate and impact the fires had. Bolsonaro was also criticized for his prioritization of the economy over the environment and then blamed for illegal logging and criminal networks for surging the rainforest fires due to his lack of attention to the issue. Considering the size of the Amazon, if it is a target then why is it not being protected by more than just the Guardians? In April 2019, Bolsonaro suggested that Brazil may open a protected reserve in the Amazon Rainforest for mining, this idea reflects Bolsonaro priority of the economy over the environment. Also considering the lack of care that the president has for the rainforest, he is ignoring the Indigenous tribe that lives amongst the Amazon rainforest and the crimes they are victims of.  Assisting the concept that Bolsonaro’s intentions are to benefit the economy over the environment is enforced by his claim that “ He is especially grateful for U.S Donald Trump for agreeing with the Brazillian leader regarding the fires and impact of the rainforest.   

The Bloodshed of the Guajajara Tribe 
Aside from its natural beauty and housing unique ecosystems, the Amazon Rainforest also is home to the Guajajara Tribe. This indigenous tribe consists of approximately 13,100 people but also consists of 120 people who are dedicated to protecting the rainforest from the people who wish to destroy it.  This group often clashes with illegal loggers and farmers as they have conflicting intentions to destroy the rainforest and the Guardians want to save it. Aside from the harmless unconnected tribe, critics have said that the Amazon’s borders have been under siege since Bolsonaro came into power. Throughout the efforts to protect the Amazon, many Guardians are murdered specifically, Paul Paulino who was shot in the head while out hunting for food on the Arariboia reservation. This tribe victim had revealed that he was in fact worried for the next generation and the preservation of the rainforest. Another recent victim from December in 2019 was a fifteen-year-old boy who had traveled to town with his father and was murdered on the edge of the Arariboia reserve.  Now considering Brazil’s Indigenous Missionary Council found 135 people were murdered in 2018 - rising 27% from 2017, this number spiked after Bolsonaro’s election.   
    Paul Paulino ( Lobo) who was murdered 

Connections to Canada
Although this Indigenous tribe is in Brazil, there is also another Indigenous tribe facing similar problems with surrounding communities.  In Fort Fraser, British Columbia the Stellako reserve is facing large wildfires, specifically had to watch their beloved culture camp “Nadleh Whut’en” burn to the ground. The Stellat’en people felt that there was no communication with their community and two major battles they face are the 910 square kilometer Shovel Lake fire and a federal funding system that left the community scrambling to evacuate their people.   During the fire, while the rest of the province is fighting or escaping the fires, the Stellat’en people were forced to watch their historic and sacred culture camp burn due to the neglect from the province. Their culture camp was a place to send their children to learn about their culture and would also be used as a burial ground to lay loved ones to rest with the culture. Now considering this, the Stellat’en people were not only neglected but were forced to watch their culture burn due to the government ignoring the issue and leaving them to survive on their own.  The ultimate similarities between these two Indigenous tribes are that they are being neglected and are left to survive on their own without the help of the government leaving them trapped.   

Importance and Next Steps 
The importance of these situations is to spread awareness and knowledge of Indigenous reserves around the world and the problems they are facing.  Now although Brazil cannot just get rid of its president, Bolsonaro could definitely form protection for not only the tribe but the rainforest as well to try and stop these hateful crimes.  Specifically, the murders of the Indigenous people should be recognized by the president and government as the victims were not violent and harmful as they were just living their life on reserve and illegal loggers and crime organizations would murder them to destroy potential threats.   The overall importance of this is to recognize the neglect of Indigenous peoples and their culture and for society to begin the process of reconciliation and to return the rightful land of the people. 
keira bartzik

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